Category Archives: Personal

Why I started this blog

I started blogging in my company’s intranet for the first time 4 years after I joined the company. Most of the blogs in the intranet were highly technical stuff which,frankly, was really boring for me. I decided to do something about it and  decided to write about non-technical stuff.

I was always interested in management books and started writing about the books I had read. Due to some expert handholding and encouragement from my colleagues, the blog quickly grew and has about 50 posts  with about 100 comments in 8 months.

Some of my colleagues have told me that their friends who are not part of CDC would love to read my blogs too. WordPress seems tobe the best blogging site with stats like page views to keep me motivated. It will contain mostly management related concepts, book summaries,some thoughts on Agile in CDC and some CDC Software related stuff.

The initial posts would be copies of existing posts already present in our company intranet.

Keep coming back to this site if you enjoy it. I will make sure you have new material to read every week.

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Filed under Personal